Terror pervades Europe since mass migration, intelligence expert says

The intelligence expert says that only political will can prevent terrorist attacks across Europe.

2023. 10. 22. 14:08
Berlin, 2023. október 21. A palesztinok mellett tüntetnek Berlinben 2023. október 21-én. A Gázai övezetet irányító Hamász palesztin iszlamista terrorszervezet október 7-én betört az övezet melletti izraeli településekre, ahol meggyilkoltak több mint 1400 embert, háromezret megsebesítettek és elhurcoltak kétszáz civilt. A Hamász elleni izraeli hadmûvelet eddig közel 3800 palesztin halálát okozta a Gázai övezetben, a sebesültek száma meghaladja a 12 ezret. MTI/EPA/Filip Singer Fotó: Filip Singer
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As secret service agencies can no longer handle the situation, politicians must take action to prevent the terrorist attacks that are taking place across Europe, intelligence expert Laszlo Foldi said on Hungary's public radio MR1 Sunday morning program. In the program, it was noted that terrorist acts have recently increased across Europe: a teacher in France and two Swedish football fans in Brussels fell victim to Islamic terrorism, while in the UK there have been 320 anti-Semitic attacks since the Palestinian Hamas terrorist organisation attacked Israel. Mr Foldi explained that

the essence of terrorism is to instill and maintain fear, and this has been happening in Western Europe since the beginning of mass migration.

Over the past seven or eight years, the expert said, peace in everyday life has been destroyed by letting migrants in, and now we see that - in German villages, for example - parents don't dare allow their children go out in the evenings. The murders and bombings resulting from terrorism are unfortunate, but the real crime against the whole continent is that people are having to live in perpetual fear of migrants who have arrived.

According to Laszlo Foldi, the European decision-making elite is also complicit in facilitating acts of terrorism by supporting migration and by keeping silent about certain crimes. The number of terrorist acts will increase sharply in the future.

Regarding the activity of the authorities and intelligence services in Western Europe, the expert said that the agencies are unable to control events above a certain level, they will become powerless. He noted that there are about 40 million people in Europe who do not accept European law and culture, and millions of them are potentially dangerous and could commit terrorist acts. Politicians should act quickly to ensure that Europe does not lose its centuries-old traditional Christian identity due to the escalation of problems arising from migration. He believes that

uncompromising action must be taken against potentially dangerous people, for example, suspicious persons must be deported from the continent together with their families.

As for the new migration pact, which includes the mandatory distribution of migrants, he said that we should not take note of the orders from Brussels, and that many countries will not agree to accept the proposal, as this decision would also further abet terrorism.

Cover photo: Pro-Palestinian protest in Berlin on October 21, 2023 (Photo: MTI/EPA/Filip Singer)

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