Discussion With PM Orban: NatCon's Most Anticipated Event

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban has also shared his thoughts on migration, Hungary's family policy, and the Russia-Ukraine war.

2024. 04. 17. 16:45
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban attends the NatCon conference in Brussels, on April 17, 2024 (Photo: Simon Wohlfahrt/AFP)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Legal and physical attempts were made to disrupt the NatCon Conference, with the entire European press watching the anti-democratic means used by the Brussels city authorities to prevent the gathering of pro-peace and anti-immigration conservatives.

We have some bad news for leftist-liberal opinion dictators: Viktor Orban arrived at the venue.

The prime minister was welcomed with great interest at the conservative conference in Brussels. At the forum Mr Orban expressed his views in a conversation with Yoram Hozany, president of the Edmund Burke Foundation, which organizes NatCon. The two recalled that the Hungarian PM had already attended a NatCon Conference in Rome. 

Noting the changes that have taken place since then, Mr Orban stressed that although we are still battling similar problems, there is a real chance for advancing politically thanks to the strengthening of right-wing forces.

In Brussels, they are working on wiping out the anti-migration policies of countries like Hungary and previously Poland.
As a second point, the premier pointed out that under Ursula von der Leyen the European Commission had become a politicized player instead of a guardian of the Treaties.

When asked about the Polish elections and the campaign, Hungary's PM said that as a man of action, he will not provide intellectual input, but will simply say that change is needed and then went on to stress that the green transition has failed. 

They promised better agriculture, now farmers are suffering in Europe. They said they would solve the issue of migration, now an even bigger migration crisis is looming. They said they would put an end to the war with sanctions, but it is still raging.

All the problems in Eastern Europe were caused by international endeavors, he stressed, adding that these problems could only be solved at the national level. In the West, on the other hand, it was international aspirations that brought progress, while national ambitions often led to tragedies, such as Nazism.

Thirty years ago, political debates with Helmut Kohl and Tony Blair were happening on a different substantive level. Today its not about substance, and if we seriously look at what populism is, we see that it means that a political figure promises good things that he or she will not be able to deliver. "I kept my promises," he said, "We said no to migration and acted on it, we said no to gender ideology and continue to protect our children," Mr Orban said. 

The discussion also touched on communism. The Hungarian prime minister reminded the audience that at the time the regime did everything in its power to shut them down. 

He recalled that the same kind of pressure tactics were used then as could be seen around the current conference. They threatened the venue and supplier who provided them space. If we fight, we can win, Mr Orban stressed.

Those who love freedom must join forces and fight against the oppressors.

On migration, the PM stated that the number of migrants in Hungary is zero, but revealed that the reason is simple: the Hungarian system is based on the idea that it is a crime to cross the border illegally.

"Therefore, we consider those who enter illegally as criminals. There is a procedure for this with the Hungarian authorities. A claimant has to submit their application at the embassy, and then has to wait outside of the country for processing," Mr Orban stressed. "This is our red line. We set up this system with both the border [fence] and the legislative environment.

He emphasized that migration is also about civilizations. Europe is a continent rooted in Christian foundations, and the newcomers are arriving from Muslim cultures.

"There are many definitions, but as a man of action, I define conservatism as an idea for those who view time as some kind of supreme concept. I have grandchildren, so I am very concerned about what type of Hungary, and what kind of civilization we'll bequeath to them. I can say that living in a Christian society is a wonderful thing. It is the best thing I can imagine for my children and grandchildren."

"I have no problem with Muslims. Islam is also a beautiful civilization that has a deep culture, but there is a place for it," Mr. Orban underlined.

Therefore, his suggestion to those in Brussels is to continue doing what they want, so long as they do not impose anything on us. And this is not solely his own personal view, Mr. Orban emphasized, adding that all across Europe, only Hungarians were asked about this issue in a referendum.

"It was the Hungarian people who told us that they want us to protect our borders and culture. This is our decision, and we take responsibility for it. We can have debates on whether this is right, but it does not matter, because it is our decision to make," Mr Orban said.

Outlining his position, PM Orban emphasized that his view has remained consistent: Hungary does not require a common migration policy; it is a matter of national competence. 

Responding to the suggestion that Hungary serves as an example for the West in terms of Christianity, despite only around ten percent of the population being active weekly church-goers, the Prime Minister asserted that being a Christian has always been challenging. It entails following the teachings of Jesus, which is no easy task. He added that Christianity, if not nurtured, could risk becoming a lost value.

Regarding demographic trends, Mr Orban stressed that migration is not the solution to these challenges; rather, it exacerbates them. Instead, Hungarians prioritize supporting families and encouraging young people to have children. 

Nonetheless, Hungary faces a labor shortage, prompting the country to welcome guest workers and implement regulations akin to those seen in Qatar. They can stay for two years, then they must leave. We need to increase the number of child births. Hungary's current rate is around 1.5 to 1.6, but we began this process from around 1.2," Mr Orbán confirmed. 

The real reason why liberals are supporting migration is not demographics, but to gather voters, he added.

In European history, it is evident that two major blocs were in contention: the Christian conservatives and the left. There existed a balance, which is now disrupted by Muslim voters who will never support Christian-based political forces. "I'd also say that it's a conspiracy theory, and it's close to reality," he said.

Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, PM Orban was asked if he considered himself a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In response, he emphasized that Hungary does not share a border with Russia, nor does it desire to, given its past shared border with the Soviet Union.

"This is why we advocate for a sovereign Ukraine. Putin's invasion contradicts all the values that we stand for, so Hungary insists on having some type of buffer zone between us and Russia," he stated.

However, PM Orban also clarified that today's Ukraine is merely a Western protectorate, rather than a sovereign state. Additionally, it is in Hungary's interest to engage in trade with Russia. The ongoing war is not our war, even though the West tries to portray it as such. 

"Of course, they don't feel that it's their war to the point where they'd be willing to die for it. Let the Ukrainians die, and they'll keep providing support. I am not criticizing the Ukrainians for defending their country, but the question is whether they are doing it wisely. I, as an outsider, must understand the root cause of this war."

"Which is none other than Ukraine's NATO membership," Mr Orban opined. "My own experience is that Russia will never allow Ukraine to become a member of NATO in its current state because they want a buffer zone between NATO and themselves. Of course, all this is done in an illegal way, but this is the root cause of this war, regardless," he stressed.

"Is the offer to Ukraine to keep dying and fighting to achieve victory? There is no solution to this war on the battlefield. They won't get a better offer than they would get now, even if hundreds of thousands more would die on the battlefield," Mr Orban warned.

Thus, it's not about Putin's friendship, but about reality, he added.

Since October 7th, Israel has reemerged as a major problem for the West, PM Orban told participants of the conference. Staying with this issue, he declared his view that being Jewish is no easier than being Christian. This is particularly important for Hungary, he said, because there are around 200,000 Hungarians in Israel.  "This is not just a geopolitical problem for us. Our own citizens are at risk. By the way, there is a significant number of Jews living in Budapest, and this is also a crucial issue for them. This is why we've always had good relations with Israel, despite the leftist-liberals attacking me with being anti-Semitic," Mr Orban said.

However, we also have a state, he stressed. We believe that states have the right to defend themselves. But we fear that if the conflict is not between Israel and a terrorist organization, but between other states, then it could lead to escalation.

That said, PM Orban expressed confidence that the affected leaders will be wise enough to resolve this conflict.

In a Facebook post shared yesterday, Hungary's prime minister also reacted to the huge scandal surrounding the conference.

Belgian police have blockaded the NatCon Conference in Brussels. Apparently, they've had enough of free speech. The last time they tried to silence me with police was in 1988. We didn't let it happen then, and we won't let it happen this time around, either!

Mr Orban said.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban attends the NatCon Conference in Brussels, on April 17, 2024 (Photo: Simon Wohlfahrt/AFP)

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