Migrant smugglers increasingly aggressive at Hungary's southern border + video

"From now on we must take it extremely seriously, as human smuggling south of our borders is increasingly organized by the Afghan Taliban, says Csaba Domotor, parliamentary state secretary at the Prime Minister's Office.

2023. 10. 23. 12:28
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The state secretary at the Prime Minister's Office has shared his thoughts on the US Ambassador to Budapest, the growing number of terrorist attacks and the increasing migration pressure on Hír TV's Bayer show.

A few days ago, US Ambassador David Pressman criticized Prime Minister Viktor Orban for meeting the Russian president.

Hungary’s leader chooses to stand with a man whose forces are responsible for crimes against humanity in Ukraine, and alone among our Allies. While Russia strikes Ukrainian civilians, Hungary pleads for business deals.

  Mr Pressman wrote on social media. 

State Secretary Domotor did not leave the thoughts of the diplomat, who once again spoke on Hungarian domestic affairs, unchallenged. He called the business part of Mr Pressman's statement surprising, especially in light of who has what economic interests in Ukraine. The politician also said that

Ukrainian farmers are not actually Ukrainian, the land owners are typically from the West or overseas.

US news reports go into great detail about the interests of the current US President's family members in Ukraine. Mr Domotor recalled that the United States has bought twice as much enriched uranium from Russia this year as in 2022, which they think is perfectly fine.


Time's running out, but there's a way out 

Speaking about the link between migration and terrorism, State Secretary Domotor said that countries with a significant Islamic community, such as the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany and Sweden, are particularly at risk. 

Although time's running out, we cannot give up hope that there is a way out, he underlined.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: Facebook/Csaba Domotor)

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