PM Orban: "There's No Danger of Russia Attacking a NATO Member State"

Former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel sat down to speak with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban.

2024. 03. 29. 12:09
ORBÁN Viktor
Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives an interview to Hungarian public Kossuth Radio's "Good Morning, Hungary!" program (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Wolfgang Schussel and Prime Minister Orban engaged in a discussion within the serene confines of the Carmelite Monastery's library, as reported by the Hungarian Mandiner news site. Kicking off the conversation, the former Austrian chancellor voiced his belief that Central Europe was poised to become one of the most pivotal regions on the continent in the years to come. Intrigued by this notion, he turned to Hungary's prime minister to gauge his perspective on the next decade. Mr Orban expressing his unwavering confidence in Central Europe's ongoing evolution, but harbored doubts concerning the future prosperity of Western countries. He underscored a pivotal question: could the entirety of the continent remain within the EU's fold?

Firstly, the traditional welfare state model has become outdated. If the Western countries wish to maintain their high welfare levels without ensuring that their citizens have jobs, then the system is over. That's why these states must ensure that everyone is working. People should get access to welfare only through achievement. The second question is that of security. In Western societies, freedom and security are viewed as two opposing concepts. This is why public safety is poor, especially in major cities (...) Thirdly, there is the issue of migration,

– PM Orban said, adding that If the Western countries are not strong enough to control their own borders and illegal migration continues at the current rate, there will be many unpleasant consequences, such as parallel societies or cultural insecurity.


Focus on Russia-Ukraine war

The two sides also discussed the Russia-Ukraine war and disagreed on several aspects. Mr Orban called Russia's responsibility indisputable, adding that Europeans should have done more at the diplomatic level to prevent the war. Mr Schussel disagreed, arguing that the West had utilized all its means to avoid a military confrontation. 

According to Mr Orban negotiations with Russia are required, which necessitates a show of strength. The former chancellor asked precisely what kind of deal should be struck with the Russians.

First of all, we neeed a ceasefire, because there is no longer any reasonable dispute between Russia and the West,

 – PM Orban said. Mr Schussel responded by voicing is belief that an immediate ceasefire would be tantamount to Ukraine's defeat. The Ukrainians could lose even more, including the war," said the former chancellor, insisting that Kyiv could only lose if Europe did not supply enough weapons.

People in Europe are not happy that their governments want to provide more financial assistance to Ukraine,

 – Mr Orban said, adding that Europe cannot give Ukraine the type of extensive support that it needs to secure a military victory. 

Wolfgang Schussel explained that the "only constructive outcome was to commence immediate negotiations on Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU, while also starting talks to achieve a ceasefire." In response, Mr Orban suggested that Ukraine's geographical location should also be taken into account. Ukriane is right next to Russia, so the most ideal solution for them would be to have a buffer zone and additional security guarantees, because if this does not happen, they could lose their country, Mr Orban opined, voicing his belief that Russia would never accept Ukraine's membership of NATO. 

When the former chancellor attempted to draw parallels between the current conflict and Hungary's 1956 Revolution, suggesting that Ukraine was fighting not only for its own independence but also for Europe, PM Orban countered. He asserted that Ukraine's struggle didn't equate to Hungary's defense of Europe in 1956. Emphasizing his point, he pointed out that 

We are not in danger of Russia attacking a NATO member state.

Regarding negotiations, he expressed that the Russians didn't perceive the Ukrainians as partners. He cautioned that the gravest threat to Europe would arise if Russia, excluding Europe from discussions, opted to negotiate exclusively with the United States on matters of security architecture.


We need defense 

The two politicians concurred on the necessity for Europe to increase its expenditure on security.

"Hungary is the sole nation advocating for an alternative model for the European Union, and I stand alone in supporting such a vision," PM Orban remarked. He lamented the escalating centralization within the EU and the disregard for member states' sovereignty.

He proposed a reversion to an economic union. 

More on the economy and security, less on politics and value,

 – Viktor Orban said, contending that Europe must remain competitive on the global economic stage, and it must find the European way. For example, Europe needs its own semiconductor industry. Some manufacturing must be kept in Europe, and connectivity is key, he stressed.

At the conclusion of the interview, Wolfgang Schussel addressed the objectives of Hungary's impending EU Presidency, while Mr Orban outlined several key priorities.

Firstly, we want to collaborate to enhance Europe's competitiveness. Secondly, enlargement to the Western Balkans remains a priority for us. Regrettably, the conflict in Ukraine is unlikely to conclude this year, but we are exerting our utmost efforts to secure at least a ceasefire and establish conditions in which we can negotiate,

– Hungary's prime minister said. 


Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban giving an interview to Hungary's public Kossuth Radio (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)

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