Miklos Szantho: Trump's the Only One Who Can Bring Peace + Video

Miklos Szantho discussed the Russia-Ukraine war on one of the most watched US channels. The director general of the Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights pointed out that Donald Trump, the former Republican President of the United States, is the only one "who can bring peace back to our region". He also emphasized that the Biden administration has elevated woke ideology in international politics, framing it as part of its official foreign policy.

2024. 03. 19. 11:19
Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights on October 16, 2023. (Photo: MTI, Lajos Soos)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Hungarians hope that there will be a change in the White House in November, because President Trump is the only politician on the global stage who can bring peace back to our region," said Miklos Szantho, a returning guest on One America News Network (OANN), one of the most watched news channels in the United States.

The director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights emphasized that a ceasefire and peace is not only in the interest of Hungary or Europe, but also in the interest of the US, as President Trump is the only politician on the global political stage who can bring peace.


In relation to the rise of the woke ideology, think tank chief Mr Szantho pointed out that "the Biden administration has elevated the woke ideology to the level of official foreign policy - on an emotional basis, with bad consequences - instead of acting as a real political actor." He also underscored that the endless funding of the Russia-Ukraine war does not promote a ceasefire and peace.

A ceasefire and peace is not only in the interest of Hungary or Europe, but in my view it is also in the interest of the US,

– he added.

In connection with the upcoming CPAC Hungary event, to be held on April 25-26, the director general underlined that "Hungary is no country for far-left vigilantes, let's get this on record." Our aim is to make it clear that we are the woke-busters and we must drain the swamps in Brussels and in Washington."

Cover photo: Miklos Szantho, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights on October 16, 2023 (Photo: MTI/Lajos Soos)

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